How to study smart and create focus in class?

Here are several tips that shared by my beloved lecturer, Dr. Hardy.

a) Study smart by using all senses that we have.Doing all this by repeatation until you remember.

1. Write (Hand)
2. See (Eye)
3. Pronoun (oral)
4. Hear (Ear)
5. Taste ( no exist sometimes in certain learning. Example during reading reference book.)
6. sixth sense ( only certain people have this)

b) Create focus in class

There are 3 stage to create focus in class.
1. Pre
-Check syllabus

2. During
– Ask question
– Jot down the powerful points in notes

3. Post
– Refer your notes
– Reference : Make your reference in library and internet

That’s all. Thank you.
Hope this sharing is beneficial for all.

Stray Cat in Australia :) Happy studying.

Stray Cat in Australia 🙂
Happy studying.

Aumm..Meow...Let's fight together ;)

Aumm..Meow…Let’s fight together 😉